My colour scheme for my ceramic pieces has come fro imagery of valcanic lava in black/charcoal folds, striped icebergs hold deep blues, teal, turquosie and baby blue with icey white.
The video above shows me underglazing a piece after casting and before a bisque firing, the video is quite load so watch you ears. My pieces are being airbrushed with underglaze using these shades:
Using an underglaze in this way allows me to control a more even coverage, it is an expensive way of glazing my pieces but it is the look I was after. Underglaze leaves a dusted matte coverage which is what I was looking for, a glaze would cause my pieces to lose the sharp edges, however I will be using a clear glaze on the inside of the vessels to make them functional, otherwise if water was put in without a sealant they would eventually decompose.